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Olx Wordpress Theme Free Download

I thought it's not possible… I had an inclination that websites at lower cost do not have good quality or they just look similar but they are almost static functionality wise. I was wrong however. It is absolutely possible to build an website like OLX in less than $501. As I said, I was getting it wrong here also. It is possible to build a website like OLX with low rates and that too quite easily. Let us see ingredients with their cost we will require to have the website like OLX:

  1. Your own Domain: $10-$15
  2. A web host to run the domain: $45-100
  3. WordPress: $0
  4. WordPress theme: $149-$279
  5. Total: $204-$394

Aha! That's quite lower than the other web development methods… Right? Well, that's the beauty of WordPress. It's free, and templates on it are not much costlier. Though you can enjoy great coding standards.

Collect ingredients for website like OLX

1. Get Domain($10-$15):

When you need to buy the domain, this article will help you here. A domain you can get around $10. Some hosting providers provide free domain also for a year with their hosting. Checkout them prior buying any domain.

2. Get a Host($45 – $100):

When it comes to hosting, I recommend Bluehost. Tip: Bluehost – Linux hosting plan provides free domain for a year. It may save a few dollars for you if you buy both hosting and domain from single place. Once domain and hosting is ready, next step is to Install WordPress on your host. Bluehost hosting will cost minimum $45 – $100

3. WordPress($0):

Go to It can be installed on your server with the instructions provided by WordPress there.

Note: If you want some more time prior buying domain/hosting and still want to create replica of OLX website, then it is also possible in WordPress. You can install WordPress in your localhost(i.e. locally on your computer) in WAMP/XAMPP and continue from below mentioned steps.

4. WordPress Theme ($149-$279):

This step is explained quite longer but fairly easier. WordPress by default has a default theme installed with it. We require a super awesome theme that can create a classifieds directory website. With that it must be cost effective. Before we decide the theme, let's list here OLX website features. So that to make the choice easily. OLX has these primary features:

  • Submit Ad
  • Address wise search
  • List of categories
  • Highlighted Ads
  • Multiple languages
  • Social media and other links
  • Ad detail page
  • Ad listing page
  • Manage seller profile

Looking at above features, there are several themes available in the market which suits the requirement at some extent. I came up with the theme Classifieds – A theme based on Directory platform. This is a business listing directory theme with similar features to OLX. It costs $149 for standard license and $279 for multiple use license. If you are not a developer or not going to have multiple websites with same theme, developer license is not required. Standard license is sufficient.

I have worked with the theme developers and hence I know much about it. There are several add-ons available too which you can use to enhance the website further in future as and when required. However, the default theme in initial package itself is feature rich. I choose this theme because it has most of the features required to create a website like OLX. Below screenshots illustrates the similarity between both the websites respect to the above listed features. It also shows how one can build a clone of OLX website using Classifieds theme in WordPress.

Classifieds theme features required to clone OLX

Home page

The home page of OLX and Classifieds theme has mainly these five features:

  • Address wise search – Classifieds search works location wise and it also shows results instantly.
  • List of categories
  • Highlighted Ads
  • Multiple languages – Classifieds theme supports multiple langauge feature by providing compatibility with WPML plugin.
  • Social media and other links

Home page - Classifieds - OLX cloneHome page - Classifieds - OLX clone

Ad Listing page

Ad listing page allows on both websites to add advertisements on website by sellers. Classifieds theme allows website admin to add the posts free as well as paid. It has "Price packages" and theme has been developed keeping monetization of the website as one of the core feature.

Ad Listing Page - OLX CloneAd Listing Page - Classifieds - OLX Clone

Ad Detail Page

Detail page displays information of ad, photos and seller detail in sidebar. With that it also displays related ads which is below main content in both the websites.

Ad Detail Page - OLX CloneAd Detail Page - Classifieds - OLX Clone

Submit Ad Page

Both the pages have basic process same for submitting an Ad. Once the Ad is submitted, it goes to admin panel of the website. Then admin verifies it with various aspects and publish it. Classifieds theme allows to publish the Ad directly as well without verification process. OLX submit ad page is one step process and has some less fields

Submit Ad - OLX CloneSubmit Ad - Classifieds - OLX Clone

Manage Seller Profile Page

Under seller profile one can see their added listings. They can edit/renew them as well. Other features available on websites are edit profile, view payment details, etc…

Manage seller profile - OLX CloneManage seller profile - Classifieds - OLX Clone

We seen here how clone of OLX can be created easily. If we see the total cost as per this method it becomes: $204 minimum and $394 maximum. Remaining few dollars can be used for website enhancement in future and website maintainance from $501. So you see, it's possible to create a website in much lesser that $501!

Further Reading:

  • Classifieds theme details
  • Live Demo

Olx Wordpress Theme Free Download
