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What Channel Is Dr Laura on 2019

    Thanks For Giving My Daughter The "Sex" Talk

    Thanks For Giving My Daughter The "Sex" Talk

    Thanks For Giving My Daughter The "Sex" Talk - Randy is grateful that he and his teenage daughter were listening together when Dr. Laura took a call about premarital sex, setting up a great conversation between Randy and his child. - Dr. Laura: "Refraining from premarital sex preserves your value and self-worth." - At what age did you have the sex talk with your child? Email me your thoughts at: | To participate on the radio program; call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment - Become a Dr. Laura Family Member: See for privacy information. hqVFrP2iKEFXIKrVfaxx

    Marathon Sneak Preview: How Long Should I Feel Bad About My Screwup?

    Marathon Sneak Preview: How Long Should I Feel Bad About My Screwup?

    Marathon Sneak Preview: How Long Should I Feel Bad About My Screwup? - Here's a special sneak preview call from the upcoming Thanksgiving Weekend Marathon heard exclusively on SiriusXM Triumph 111: Shannon says she earned the guilt she feels but isn't sure how long she should be contrite after trying to make amends. - Dr. Laura: "Only good people feel true guilt." - Are you quick to forgive or do you hold a grudge? Email me your thoughts at: | To participate on the radio program; call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment - Become a Dr. Laura Family Member: See for privacy information.

    Did I Do The Right Thing?

    Did I Do The Right Thing?

    Did I Do The Right Thing? - Josh's mom prefers to take pictures of her adult children without their spouses, but Josh has had enough and recently demanded his wife be by his side. - Dr. Laura: "Good men protect their women." - Do you feel protected and supported by your spouse? Email me your thoughts at: | To participate on the radio program; call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment - Become a Dr. Laura Family Member: See for privacy information.

    It Hurts to Have Had a Bad Childhood

    It Hurts to Have Had a Bad Childhood

    It Hurts to Have Had a Bad Childhood - Amanda's parents both suffered from mental illness and she's sad about her lost childhood, which was spent raising herself and taking care of her siblings. - Dr. Laura: "Look at yourself as a success story." - Would you say you had a good or bad childhood? Email me your thoughts at: | To participate on the radio program; call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment - Become a Dr. Laura Family Member: See for privacy information.

    You Helped Me Stop Being Angry at My Wife

    You Helped Me Stop Being Angry at My Wife

    You Helped Me Stop Being Angry at My Wife - Jeff has been angry for years with his wife over one issue and tells Dr. Laura how her advice to another caller to show compassion to people who are struggling made a positive difference in their relationship. - Dr. Laura: "Be kind and compassionate with others." - Do you treat your spouse with the same compassion you'd show to a friend? Email me your thoughts at: | To participate on the radio program; call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment - Become a Dr. Laura Family Member: See for privacy information.

    My In-Laws Aren't COVID Cautious

    My In-Laws Aren't COVID Cautious

    My In-Laws Aren't COVID Cautious - Sharon wants to know the best way to tell her relatives that she's not going to see them at indoor gatherings because they don't follow the same COVID protocols that Sharon believes are important. - Dr. Laura: "State your concern over the virus variants and stand firm in your decision." - Has COVID come between you and your family members? Email me your thoughts at: | To participate on the radio program; call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment - Become a Dr. Laura Family Member: See for privacy information.

Customer Reviews

Common sense at its best!

Have listened to Dr. Laura…Found her advice (although too honest for some) right on! and emotionally healthy.

Too many ads

Love this podcast but have to stop listening. It doesn't need to have ads at the beginning, in the middle, AND at the end of 3-5 minute long clips!! We're listening to more ads than content.

Refreshing, bold, honest advice!

I've listened to the radio show for over 2 decades have have her books. Dr. Laura is amazingly insightful, witty, and gives honest feedback. She does not tell callers what they want to hear but instead what they need to hear. Her advice brings about personal growth in all relationships.

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What Channel Is Dr Laura on 2019
